Andrew and Jamie Wommack

Meet Our Founders

In 1972, Andrew and Jamie Wommack were married and began teaching Bible studies together. Over the next six years, they pastored three small churches and had two sons, Joshua and Jonathan Peter. In 1976, Andrew broadcast his first Gospel Truth radio program, then founded Andrew Wommack Ministries in 1978. Before the turn of the century, God led Andrew to launch into television. “The Gospel Truth” aired its first program in January 2000 on the INSP network, with about 20 million subscribers. It was an instant hit. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Andrew began Charis Bible College in the fall of 1994. Now Andrew teaches across the country and the world through Conferences, Charis Bible College, and his shows on the Gospel Truth Network – All with the desire to reach far and deep with the Gospel focusing on God’s unconditional love and grace.

Meet Mike and Carrie Pickett

Mike and Carrie Pickett were married in 2006 and have two children. They lived sixteen years in Russia as full-time missionaries. Carrie graduated from Charis Bible College in 1999 and moved to Russia to plant a Charis Campus, where Mike would get connected and eventually direct Andrew Wommack Ministries, Russia. Now they are the Executive Vice Presidents of Charis Bible College as well as instructors, dedicated to using the Word of God to raise up leaders.

Mike and Carrie Pickett, will be taking on additional leadership as a part of Andrew’s multi-phased succession plan. After years of assessing who would best fit this pivotal role, it was decided that Mike and Carrie Pickett were perfect for the position.

The Gospel Truth Network

Andrew’s desire with GTN is to provide 24/7 faith-filled programming for more people than ever before. These tv programs and films will entertain and encourage you, build your faith, and reach the world with the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.

It’s been hard to find uplifting and trustworthy shows for yourself and your family – until now.

The Gospel Truth Network is a place where you can receive sound teaching rooted in the Word of God. With the variety of programs, GTN meets you where you’re at with encouragement and support for your faith journey.

  • Receive sound biblical teaching any time of the day
  • Enjoy programs tailored for every member of your family
  • Be encouraged by stories of people from all walks of life
  • Be inspired to build your relationship with God

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